along the seashore, beyond the horizon, past the playground, toward the cafeteria, upon the roof, beside the garage, near the oak tree, inside the box, behind the shed, in the closet, through the hoop, around the world, at the store, across the river, after the party, atop the mountain, before breakfast, below the ground, beneath the sea, between the eyes, by the mailbox, down the road, during the commercial break, into the darkness, near the fence, off the wall, on the table, onto the floor, out the door, outside the gate, over the hill, since last Monday, throughout the country, under the bed, until tomorrow, with my brother, within my heart, without a sound, from the others, in front of the crowd, in back of the classroom , because of her shoes, according to the directions, as far as I know, instead of broccoli, next to the others.
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