planet - a large, round object that revolves around a star and has cleared it region around the orbit, gravity - the force of attraction between objects, inner planets - have rocky surfaces and lengths of orbits are shorter , Mercury - planet closest to the sun, small planet covered with craters with almost no atmosphere, Venus - this planet has thick clouds that are hot and toxic making it the brightest , second planet from the sun, Earth - third planet from the sun, only planet to have liquid water and supports life, has atmosphere mainly of nitrogen & oxygen, has one moon, Mars - planet that contains iron oxide making it a reddish-brown color, has 2 moons, has canyons, ice caps and seasons, several space probes have landed there to gather information, moon - a natural object that revolves around a planet, it takes a month to orbit Earth, outer planets - called gas giants, and are much larger than the inner planets, have rings and many moons, Jupiter - largest planet mostly made up of hydrogen and helium, rotates faster than Earth, has a Great Red Spot, Saturn - has large, brilliant rings that can easily be seen, many moons, and very low density, Uranus - has atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and methane, rotates on its side, has rings & moons, Neptune - eighth planet from the sun, smallest of the gas giants, since it is the farthest from the sun it take the longest to orbit around it, atmosphere of hydrogen, helium and methane gas,

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