Bullet points - Small dots used to separate items and make a list, Numbering - Numbers used in a list, often to give step by step instructions, Heading - Often at the top of a text in a large font telling you what the text is about, Subheading - Section titles used to separate a text into smaller parts and tell you what the section is about, Bold - Bigger, darker letters than the rest of the text - used to highlight important information and help you find it easily., Diagrams - A picture that shows you how to do something. , Table or chart - Data is presented between lines and in columns to make it clearer to understand, Images - Pictures used to make a text more attractive or show something in the text, Block capitals - Upper case letters used to highlight important information or make a text easier to read., Caption - Words under an image that give you more information about it, Instructions - Begin with a verb and tell you how to do something, Paragraphs - Chunks of text that separate information sections according to their topic, Columns - Text in a row going downward that makes it easier to fit a lot of information onto a page, Colours - Make the text look brighter and more attractive., Weblinks - You can click on these on a website and they will take you to other pages.,

Why are these layout features used?

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