Site - a way of describing where a place is based on the physical characteristics of the surrounding area, Situation - a way of describing where a place is based on its relationships with the surrounding areas, Urbanization - population shift from rural to urban areas, Edge city - a relatively large urban area situated on the outskirts of a city, typically beside a major road, Megacity - a large metropolitan area with a population higher than 10 million, Exurbs - an area outside of the denser inner suburban area which has an economic and commuting connection to the metro area, low housing density, and growth, Metacity - a large metropolitan area with a population higher than 20 million, World cities - a large city that is very important to the global economy, Primate city - is the largest city in its country or region, disproportionately larger than any others in the urban hierarchy, Rank-size rule - the nth largest city in a given country will have 1/n of the population of the largest city in that country, Range - the maximum distance that someone is willing to travel to receive a specific service, Market area (or hinterland) - geographic zone containing the people who are likely to purchase a firm's goods or services, De facto segregation - racial segregation that happens organically instead of being enforced by law, Greenbelt - an area of open land around a city where development is prohibited, Mixed land use - that blends a combination of residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or industrial uses that provides pedestrian connections, New urbanism - an urban design movement which promotes environmentally friendly habits by creating walkable neighborhoods containing a wide range of housing and job types,
APHuG: Cities and Urban Land Use 1
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