True: Greed is when a person is never satisfied with they have and always want more and more , Prophet Idris was the great-grandson of Prophet Shith, Prophet Idris was born 100 years after the death of Prophet Adam, Prophet Idris was the third Prophet of Allah, Prophet Idris used to tell people to worship Allah and not to commit sins, Prophet Idris taught People many skills such as stitching clothes , Prophet Idris lived during the time of a cruel king, The king’s wife was a cruel person, Murder by the greedy king displeased Allah, The queen tried to get prophet Idris killed, Prophet Idris hid in a cave where Allah provided him sustenance through an angel, Prophet Idris guided his people on the right path for many years , Idris was a prophet who had love and respect of all of his people, Allah raised Prophet Idris to the heavens where he is still alive today, We should always be happy with what allah (swt) has blessed us with, False: Greed is when someone who is poor, Prophet Idris was the uncle of Prophet Shīth, Prophet Idris was born 1,000 years after the death of Prophet Adam, Prophet Idris was the fourth Prophet of Allah, Prophet Idris used to tell people to worship Idols and not to commit sins, Prophet Idris taught people many skills such as brushing your hair , Prophet Idris lived during the time of a kind king, The king’s wife was a nice person, Murder by the greedy king pleased Allah, The queen tried to get prophet Idris rescued from the king , Prophet Idris hid in a pit where Allah provided him sustenance through an angel, Prophet Idris guided his people on the wrong path for many years , Idris was a prophet who had hate and respect of all of his people, Finally Allah Put prophet Idris into the hellfire where he is still alive today, We should always be mad at allah and ask him for more things,
Prophet Idris
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