层 - floor, 楼上 - upstairs, 楼下 - downstairs, 请问 - excuse me.../please may I ask..., 书包 - school bag, 文具 - stationary , 本子 - notebook, 手机 - mobile phone, 商店 - store/ shop, 做饭 - cooking, 给 - for...(someone), 百货商场 - department store, 市中心 - city centre, 手机在五层。 - Mobile phone is in the 5th floor., 妈妈给我做饭。 - Mum cooks for me., 楼上卖电脑吗? - Do you sell computer upstairs?, 妹妹正在买衣服。 - Younger sister is buying clothes., 爸爸给我买了手机。 - Dad bought a mobile phone for me., 我和朋友正在百货商场买东西。 - Me and my fiends are shopping in the department store., 书店的楼下是咖啡店。 - Downstairs of the bookstore is a cafe., 我正在上科学课。 - I am having science lesson now., 三点以后,我去买水果。 - After 3 o'clock, I go to buy fruits.,

Jinbu 2 Chapter 4.3 Department store


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