American service - American service is a simple and informal form of service., Apperance - The way that someone or something looks., Apprentice - A person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages., Bouillon spoon - A round-bowled spoon somewhat smaller than a soup spoon, Bread and butter plate - A plate five to six inches in diameter for individual servings of bread and butter, Busers - A person who removes dirty dishes and resets tables in a restaurant, Butter knife - A knife used for butter., Cake fork - Its designed for eating pastries and other desserts from a plate, Captain - Leader of the team., Chargers - A circular plate, placed beneath a smaller-sized dinner plate that is used to enhance the presentation of the food being served or to set a "tone" for the table setting., China - A fine white or translucent vitrified ceramic material., Coffee spoon - A spoon that is used in coffee to stir or mix., Comment cards - A card on which customers write their opinion of a company or its products, Customer interaction - A customer interaction is a communication between a customer and a company, Dessert forks - Designed for eating pastries and other desserts from a plate., Dinner fork - A fork used to eat the main course of a meal., Dinner knife - A knife used to cut the main course pf a meal, Dinner plate - A plate used to hold the main course., Drinking glasses - A container for holding liquids while drinking., English service - The waiter or waitress delivers portions to each guest from a large dish., Espresso spoon - A diminutive spoon, smaller than a teaspoon., Family style dinning - Large format dinning, Finger bowl - A small bowl containing water for rinsing the fingers during or after a meal., Fish fork - An individual 4-tined fork larger than a salad fork that is used with an individual fish knife in eating fish., Fish knife - A small knife with an ornamental upper edge that is used with a fork in eating fish., Floor manager - Manage, train and supervise staff, schedule staff hours, and uphold standards of customer service., Food runners - A person who works at an often upscale restaurant carrying meals from the kitchen to the customer's table, French service - That a chef prepares food on a guerdon (hot tray) table-side rather than in a kitchen, Front waiter - The liaison between the kitchen and the waiter, he also assists the waiter, Gravy boat - A long, narrow jug used for serving gravy,
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