bound - A healthy lifestyle is __________ to help you get rid of health issues., bully - We all avoided Mark because he was a school, challenge - Coronavirus presents a serious ______________, confront - The hero __________ the monster for the first time., deed - One bad _________ was enough for him to go to prison., defeat - Germany didn't manage to ____________ the army of the Soviet Union., encountered - We ______________ some difficulties while working on the project., flaws - Unfortunately, there are a great deal of _________ in our educational system., fulfil - On top of his academic work, he has to ___________ his regular teaching duties., got away - He robbed a bank and _______________ with it., insight - This experience gave me a new ___________ into teaching children., obstacles - hey had to overcome a lot of __________ on their way before getting married., poverty - More than a third of the world population is now living in ___________., predictable - The ending of the film was quite ________________., pretend - I had to _________ that her pie was delicious in order not to hurt her feelings., revealed - The article ___________ all the truth about illegal logging in the Carpathian mountains., rewards - ___________ such as extra holiday or free meals were offered to the most productive team., commits - The central character ____________ suicide., threatened - The government _____________ to close the university., versa - Do social problems cause economic problems, or vice __________?, weapon - He was arrested for carrying a _________ in a public place.,
Outcomes B2 Telling tales
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