Star Trek is one of my favourite TV series of all time. I used, to watch it every week when I was young and it was one of, the very first sci-fi TV shows that dealt with serious issues, in a realistic way. I have several reasons for loving Star Trek, The main reason I liked it when I was young was because, of all the new technology. I was fascinated by the gadgets., For example, the handheld scanner Dr McCoy uses to see, if people are ill and the transporter that carries people, miles away in seconds. It wasn't only the gadgets, though, - it was also the optimistic view of the future which it, presented. Unlike most other sci-fi films and TV shows,, which show us a world in total chaos after a nuclear, disaster or some kind of catastrophe, Star Trek showed, us that technology and space exploration could be used, in a benevolent way to expand our knowledge and create, friendships between planets., Another reason I liked it was because the characters, are great! Mr Spock was my favourite because he could, read people's minds. I loved his totally rational analysis of, situations. Then there was McCoy, who was always losing, his temper, and Captain Kirk trying to balance his emotions, and his rational side, which was often a struggle for him (as, it is for everyone!). Another thing I liked about the series, was that it showed how people can be equal whatever, their race or gender. It shows how tolerance must be, extended to all creatures of all planets, not just our own. I, think that it was ahead of its time in that respect.,
Unit 02 - WB - Writing a blog p78
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