avalanche - a mass of snow, ice and rock that falls down the side of a mountain, landslide - a mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliff, volcanic eruption - an occasion when a volcano suddenly throws out burning rocks, smoke, etc., earthquake - a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface, sinkhole - a large hole in the ground that suddenly opens, created over a long period of time by water that has fallen as rain, flood - a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry, tsunami - an extremely large wave in the sea caused, for example, by an earthquake, blizzard - a snowstorm with very strong winds, drought - a long period of time when there is little or no rain, thunderstorm - a storm with thunder and lightning and usually very heavy rain, hailstorm - a storm of small balls of ice that fall like rain, heatwave - a period of unusually hot weather, tornado - a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle. There is often also a long cloud which is narrower at the bottom than the top., wildfire - a fire that spreads quickly over a large area and is difficult to control, cyclonic storm (typhoon, hurricane, cyclone) - a violent storm with very strong winds, impact event - when one or many rocks from space fall to earth and hit the ground, solar flare - an event in which high-energy gas is suddenly and quickly released from the sun’s surface, interrupting radio systems on earth,
Natural Disasters
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