Name one coping skill you have used successfully, Why is yelling at someone an unhealthy way to handle stress?, What feelings often accompany stress?, Name a warning sign you are getting angry., Have you ever been embarrassed by the way you've reacted in a situation?, Do you get upset easily?, Have you ever hurt someone when you were upset?, What is something that causes you stress?, Who is someone you can talk to when you are stressed?, How can setting goals help to reduce stress?, How does keeping healthy help our stress?, In what ways can stress be positive?, Where do you like to go to calm down and relax?, What causes you stress at school?, Describe how your body feels when you're stress compared to when you're relaxed, What causes you stress at home?, One technique I can try the next time I am upset is...., When your friend is upset, what is something you can do to help?, Why is drinking alcohol an unhealthy way to handle stress or sadness?, True or False: Everyone gets depressed, How is helping someone a coping skill?, True or False: No feeling that we have is wrong. It's what we do with it that counts., How do you take time for yourself each day?, What movie always makes you laugh?, True or False: Blaming yourself is a good coping skill., Why is it important to change negative thoughts to positive ones?, Are grades ever stressors for you?, What are 3 feelings you could use coping skills for?, Why doesn't everyone react the same way to the same situation?, What is a negative coping skill you use that you would like to change?, My favorite coping skill is.....
Coping Skills
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