Microphone - Device that allows users to input audio into their computers, Processor - The brain or calculator of a computer that handles all instructions it receives from hardware or software, webcam - External output device that takes electronic data and generates a hard copy of it, printer - Hardware input device that captures still images or video of the user, mother board - A printed circuit board that sends power and communication to all components of the computer, Fan - Keeps the overall computer cool by circulating air to or from a component, Trnsistor - Component used to control the amount of current or voltage flow and acts as a switch or gate for electrical signals, Usb - A plug-and-play interface that allows a computer to communicate with other devices, Keyboard - Device that allows you to input letters, numbers and other symbols into a computer, Trackpad - Input device usually on laptops that allows the user to move the cursor with their finger and is pressure sensitive, Case - Structure that houses all the inner parts of the computer, Sound card - Board device connected to the motherboard that produces sound on a computer that can be heard through speakers or headphones, Mouse - Handheld input device that controls a cursor in a graphical user interface, Port - A hole or connection on the front, back or side of a computer allowing the connection of external devices, Speaker - Hardware output device connected to a computer to generate sound, Monior - Output device that displays video, images and text, Memory - Any physical device capable of storing information, temporarily or permanently, Scanner - Hardware input device that optically reads a hard copy and converts it into a digital image or signal, Circuit - An electronic component consisting of a complete path: a voltage source and a load, Battery - Supplies power to the computer without a power cord,
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