Children’s natural ability to ____ new languages is strong ____ adolescence. Pronunciation comes more easily, and vocabulary sticks during this time. In fact, linguists don’t say that children learn a language but that they acquire it. You don’t really need to ____ young kids a language because they will pick it up. They learn ____ rather than ____. Easy, right? Anyone who has spent any time with kids, though, will tell you that the struggle is to keep them focused and ____, rather than to get them to learn. So, teaching kids requires small person-handling skills as much as it does language teaching prowess. Older children, such as junior high and high school students, can be more difficult to ____. They will often be studying English because they have to, either because it’s a ____ at school or because their ____ want them to excel with ____ lessons. They don’t necessarily have the inherent curiosity of a younger child, but they also don’t have the motivation and discipline of an ____ learner. Cultural ____ also play into this, as in some cultures it’s not ‘____’ or acceptable to be too talkative or inquisitive, while in others it’s the opposite. Your biggest challenge will be planning activities that ____ everyone. Adults have more varying levels, needs, and difficulties when it comes to learning a new language. They must ____ and consciously learn a language to gain ____ or fluency. If you’re teaching adults who are absolute beginners and have no previous experience or exposure to English, this can be a big challenge for them. Even adults with previous exposure can easily ____ what they’ve learned, struggle with grammatical concepts that are different from their ____ tongue, and feel more self-conscious or ____ about their skills and progress. Adults also have very specific, but diverse, reasons for learning English. They might be preparing for university abroad, trying to gain a new skill for their ____ at home, or planning on ____ to an English-speaking country. ESL teachers will often teach in private language schools, and you may have a mix of reasons for studying English within the same class. The role of the teacher will become more strategic than teaching kids, and you’ll need to closely monitor your students’ ____ to help them reach their specific goals.
How to Teach ESL: Differences for Children and Adults (By Elen Turner 26/01/21 (
Teaching English
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