1) You are very afraid: You are swimming in te sea and you see a jellyfish near you. You should... a) swim to the edge b) shout laudly  c) swim towards it 2) You are very brave: You are in front of a cliff, but there's a lake under it. Some lions are following you. You should... a) be still. b) fight with the lions. c) jump into the lake. 3) You are very afraid: You are walking through a motorway, a car stops near you and asks if you want to get on with him. You should... a) kill him b) run away c) get on the car 4) You are very brave: You are in the cementery and a vampire is walking toward you. You should... a) walk troward him and kiss b) stick him with a stake in the heart c) run away 5) You are the most itelligent person in the world: You are in a jale. You should... a) talk with the security guard. b) kill the security guard and stil him the keys. c) insult the security guard and fight with him. 6) You are clever: You are in the forest and you see a wolf behind a bush. You should ... a) run away. b) walk very slowly. c) walk toward it. 7) You are a scary person: You wake up and you see a very big spider near you. You should... a) shout and run away from the bedroom. b) kiss it c) kill it. 8) You are very brave: You are in a deserted island. There are many wild animals that want eat you. You should... a) commit suicide. b) kill all the animals and eat to survive. c) write SOS in big letters on the sand. 9) You are a clever person: You are swimming underwater and a shark is swimming to you. You should... a) swim to the edge b) be still c) stroke it. 10) You are a brave person: You are alone at home and you listen astrong noise. You should... a) open the door and look if someone more is in your home. b) hide under your bed. c) go to sleep 11) You are a scary and inteligent person: You are in a bank during a robbey, the robbers are armed. You should... a) obey the robbers orders b) run to the door c) cry 12) You are inteligent: You are alone on the street and a man is following you. You should... a) run b) go inside a bar or a place with more people. c) kill he. 13) You are vary afraid: You are in a haunted house. You should... a) get out from the house b) be happy c) open the door 14) You are very hungry: You are infront of tree hippos. You should... a) run away b) talk with them c) kill and eat them 15) You are very brave: There is a murder bahind you and he is going to kill you. You should... a) still him his gun b) talk c) shout laudly

Scary situations

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