What we did in the past; BEFORE the 21st century skills : Students learn about the language (grammar), Teacher- Centered class, Focused on isolated skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), Coverage of a textbook, Using the textbook as the curriculum, Emphasis on teacher as presenter/ lecturer, Isolated cultural “factoids”, Use of technology as a “cool tool”, Only teaching language , Same instruction for all students, Synthetic situations from textbook, Confining language learning to the classroom, Testing to find out what students don’t know, Only the teacher knows criteria for grading, Students “turn in” work only for the teacher, Alignment with the 21st century skills : Students learn to use the language, Learner-centered with teacher as facilitator/ collaborator, Focus on the 3 modes; interpersonal, interpretive and presentational, Backward design focusing on the end goal , Use of thematic units and authentic resources, Emphasis on learner as “doer” and “creator”, Emphasis on the relationship among the perspectives, practices and products of the culture, Integrating technology into instruction to enhance learning, Using language as the vehicle to teach academic content, Differentiating instruction to meet individual needs, Personalized real world tasks, Seeking opportunities for learners to use language beyond the classroom, Assessing to find out what students can do, Students know and understand criteria on how they will be assessed by reviewing the task rubric, Learners create to “share and publish” to audiences more than just the teacher,
21st century skills
Higher Education
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