break up - To end a relationship, catch up with - to communicate with someone by talking in person or on the phone or by exchanging messages, and learn or discuss what has been happening in their life, cheer sb up - make one feel happier , come up with sth - to suggest or think of an idea or plan, cut back on - to reduce, end up - to finally be in a particular place or situation, get in with - to be or become popular or friendly with someone, hang around - to move or do things slowly, help out - do a part of someone's work or give someone money, jump at - to accept something eagerly, pay off (debts) - give back all you owned, run out - to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left, settle in - to become familiar with somewhere new, such as a new house, job, or school, and to feel comfortable and happy there, take on staff - employ a new member of staff, track sb down - to find something or someone after looking for it, him, or her in a lot of different places, turn up - happen or become available unexpectedly or in a way that was not planned,
Objective Proficiency - phrasal verbs
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