What do you do every evening?, What are you doing these days?, Where were you and what you did last summer?, When was the last time you said "no"?, What should you do to become rich?, Have you ever tried ousters? , A place that you have never been to, but would like to visit, The best meal you have ever had at the restaurant. , What have you already done today?, Will you buy something online? (will/may/might...), Will you order a take-away tonight? (will/may/might...), Will you become famous in the future? (will/may/might...), What will you do if a sexy man/lady attacks you? , What will you do if you find a wallet with money, but without any documents?, If you could change your appearance, what would you change?, If I saw Spiderman walking on the street, I would..., I would cut all the hair on my head, if ..., What were you doing when you heard the news about Quarantine?, What were you doing at 7 pm yesterday?, What did you used to do at school?, What are you going to do after the lesson?, Where are you going to spend this summer?, Are you watching any movies tonight?, Are you passing your Grammar test next week?, What song is usually sung when you have a shower?, Do you know what was invented by Elon Musk?, What was the best present you were given on your last Birthday?, The tastiest meal in your family is made by ....
Grammar Revision A2
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