Multicultural families - A family made up of more than 1 cultures, Two-parent families - A family made up of 2 parents and their children who live with them, Single-parent families - Families headed up by 1 adult, Joint custody - A shared legal right of parents who are not married to provide care and make decisions about their children, Extended families - A family in which several generations live together, Stepfamilies - Families formed when a single parent marries another person, Adoption - The process by which a child of one pair of parents legally becomes the child of other parents or parent, Adoption agency - A state-funded or private agency licensed by the state to handle adoptions, Independent adoption - An adoption in which a person, such as a lawyer or a doctor works out the details between birthparents and adoptive parents, Illegal market adoption - An adoption in which adoptive parents pay money to an agency to obtain a child, Closed adoption - An adoption in which the details of the birthparents and adopting family are not revealed, Open adoption - An adoption in which some degree of communication between birthparents and adoptive families, Foster families - Families that provide temporary homes for children who cannot live with their birthparents, Family life cycle - A series of 6 stages through which families go through, Nurturance - Providing all aspects of care for a child, which includes meeting, physical, emotional, and social needs, Guidance - Words and actions parents use to influence their children's behavior, Discipline - The use of methods and techniques to help teach children self-control, Power assertion - A discipline technique in which parents use or threaten to use some form of physical punishment, Love withdrawal - Discipline technique in which parents threaten children with being unloved or suggest some form of parent/child separation, Induction - A parenting technique in which parents discipline by reasoning and explaining, Authoritarian - Parenting style in which the main objective is to make children completely obedient, Permissive - Parenting style in which parents give children almost no guidelines or rules, Democratic - A parenting style in which parents set some rules but allow children some freedom, Cultural diversity - Having more than one culture represented,
Child Dev Chapter 2 Families
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Prenatal Care and Childbirth
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