1) This habitat is very, very cold. Not many plants or animals live here. Some animals that live here are penguins and whales. a) Grassland b) Desert c) Ocean d) Tundra 2) This habitat has four seasons and is very wet. Leaves change color in the fall in this habitat. Some animals that live in this habitat are black bears, foxes, skunks, deer, squirrels, and snakes. a) Habitat b) Organism c) Tundra d) Temperate Forest 3) This habitat has lots of plants, trees, and animals. It is very wet. Animals in this habitat usually live in trees, like monkeys and birds. Parrots, toucans, jaguars, sloths, and poisonous frogs live here. a) Ocean b) Habitat c) Rainforest d) Tundra 4) This is the largest biome in the world. It is home to many plants and animals. Algae is found here, as well as kelp, coral reefs, whales, starfish, fish, and dolphins. a) Tundra b) Grassland c) Temperate Forest d) Ocean 5) A home where plants and animals live. They give plants and animals food, shelter, and water. a) Habitat b) Wetlands c) Rainforest d) Ocean 6) This habitat is sometimes called a prairie, savannah, or rangeland. There is a lot of strong, thick grass. Animals that live here eat the grass. Some animals are buffalo, cougars, deer, elephants, giraffe, and kangaroos. a) Grassland b) Habitat c) Tundra d) Rainforest 7) In this habitat, water covers a lot of the land. It rains a lot and floods here. Lots of fish, bids, mammals, plants, and insects live here. Some examples of animals here are alligators, frogs, pelicans, and turtles. a) Habitat b) Ocean c) Wetlands d) Tundra 8) This habitat is very dry and very hot! It can be flat, stony, sandy, or rocky. It does not rain much here. It is very hot during the day and cold at night. Some plants and animals here are cactus, armadillos, wild dogs, and camels. a) Organism b) Grassland c) Temperate Forest d) Desert 9) A living thing, such as a plant or animal. a) Rainforest b) Organism c) Tundra d) Habitat
Game Show Habitats Review
2nd Grade
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