alliteration - the repetition of the beginning sounds of 2 or more words, annotate - to write the gist in your own words, audience - the people that the book or text is written for, author's purpose - the reason an author wrote a book (persuade, inform, entertain), characterization - bringing the characters to life, cite evidence - taking details from the text to support your own answer, conflict - a problem or disagreement, context clues - the surrounding text used to determine the meaning of a word, dialogue - conversation between two or more people, flashback - the act of thinking back to things or an event that happened in the past, foreshadowing - when the author gives clues or hints about what will happen later on, gist - a summary or main idea of a story, idiom - an expression where the words do NOT match the meaning, imagery - descriptions that create images or pictures in our minds and appeal to our 5 senses, inference - using information to draw a conclusion about something, irony - an unexpected outcome, hyperbole - an exaggeration, Main idea - the gist or what the story is mainly about, metaphor - a comparison of two things NOT using like or as, mood - the way the author makes the readers feel, moral - the lesson of the story, motive - the reason why a character does something, narrator - the person who tells the story, onomatopoeia - words that imitate sounds, personification - giving human qualities to animals or objects, plot - the series of events in a story, setting - when and where a story takes place, simile - a comparison of two things using like or as, summary - the overview or key points of a story, symbolism - when one thing represents something else,
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