tell us which is the best book you have read, please., Have you even gone on a pilgrimage trip?, Have you ever been abroad? if so, where did you go, and what didi you do?, Do you believe in urban ledgends? Can you share with us some story you´ve heard before?, Can you spot a lie? how so?, Can you tell us three possible lucky charms?, If you won the lotery, what would you do?, If you buy a new car, what will happen?, If you travel with your family, where will you go?, What´s you favourite school subject?, How would you define the expression "to flunk out"?, Are you as good at Portuguese as you are at English?, Is it allowed to speak Portuguese during classes in CNA school?, what are people who work in restaurants allowed to do at work?, Is it allowed to talk in a library?, How is your best friend like?, Can you tell us 2 synonyms of the word afraid, please?, What´s your favourite TV show?, If you could visit another country, where would you go and why?, What would carry with you if you went to a desert island? (only five itens), What should I do If I hurt my ankle dancing?, What should I do If i cut myself with a knife?.
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