butcher's - a shop where you can buy meat, fishmonger's - a shop that sells fish, stationery - a shop that sells materials that you use for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils etc, grocer's - a shop where foods such as flour, sugar, and tinned foods are sold, greengrocer's - a shop that sells fresh vegetables and fruit, dairy - a shop that sells milk and food made from milk, such as butter, cream, and cheese, baker's - a place where baked goods are made and sold, florist's - a shop that sells cut flowers and plants for inside the house, chemist's - a shop where drugs and medicines are sold or given out, and where you can buy cosmetics and some household goods., supermarket - a large self-service shop selling foods and household goods., department - an area in a large shop where a particular type of product is sold, market - an open area, building, or event at which people gather to buy and sell goods or food,

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