Just for Today, A Power Greater than Ourselves, Carry the Message, Not the Addict, Who Is an Addict?, Our Primary Purpose, The Only Requirement for Membership is a Desire to Stop Using, The Most Important Person at Any Meeting, Fellowship, God, as We Understood Him, Searching and Fearless Moral Inventory, Defects of Character, Easy Does It, HOW - Honesty, Open-Mindedness & Willingness, One is Too Many & a Thousand Never Enough, Alcohol. Is. A. Drug., Our Lives Had Become Unmanageable, Guide Me in My Recovery, Progress, Not Perfection, If You Spot It, You Got It, Admit to God, to Ourselves, & to Another Human Being…, …Except When to Do So Would Injure Them or Others, Your Will, Not Mine, Be Done, Prayer & Meditation, Practice These Principles In All Our Affairs, Spiritual Awakening, Experience, Strength & Hope, An Addict Alone is in Bad Company, 90 in 90, Sponsorship, Solutions, Not Problems, One Addict Can Best Understand and Help Another Addict, Personal Recovery Depends on NA Unity, What is Said in Meetings, Stays in Meetings, Principles before Personalities, Obsession & Compulsion, None of These Control Methods Work for Addicts, Relapse is a Reality, A Pattern That Repeats Itself in All Areas of Our Lives, Obsessive Behavior is a Common Denominator for Addictive People, …We Also Strive For Gratitude, Self-Acceptance, Triangle of Self Obsession, Abstinence vs Recovery, We Do Recover, A Spiritual, Not Religious, Program, Call Your Sponsor, Keep Coming Back, Insanity of Addiction, The Vicious Cycle, Shame and Guilt.
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