Dactyloscopy - The study of fingerprints identification., Epidermis - Outer layer of skin, Dermis - Inner layer of skin, Hypodermis - Deep fatty layer of skin, Dermal Papillae - This is responsible for fingerprints., 3 Fingerprint Patterns - Arches, Loops and Whorls, Arches - 5% of population, Loops - 65% of population, Whorls - 30% of population, 3 Fingerprint Categories - Plastic, Patent, Latent, AFIS - Started in 1960 , Stores retrieves and potentially matches fingerprints., Alphonse Bertillion - French police officer who was first to identify and record differences amongst people., Sir Francis Galton - First to show how fingerprints can identify individuals., Sir Edward Henry - Created (Henry System) of comparing fingerprints., Fingerprint Formation - In the womb around 12 weeks.,

Fingerprint Review


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