1) The language that programmers use to communicate with machines to carry out a task. a) Sequencing b) programmer c) Code d) iteration 2) To write instructions for a computer. a) Repeat b) Program c) Code d) language 3) Part of a program that does not work correctly. a) Program b) Command c) Bug d) workspace 4) Finding and fixing problems in an algorithm or program. a) Debugging b) function c) language d) Code 5) The action of doing something over and over again. a) language b) machine c) Loop d) function 6) To do something again. a) function b) Loop c) Repeat d) run/go 7) An action that causes something to happen. a) Code b) Algorithm c) Event d) language 8) Putting commands in correct order so computers can read the commands. a) Sequencing b) Event c) run/go d) Code 9) Statements that only run under certain conditions. a) Conditionals b) function c) Bug d) Program 10) An instruction for the computer. a) function b) language c) Debugging d) Command 11) A list of steps to finish a task. a) machine b) Algorithm c) Event d) Conditionals 12) Example: computers, Ipads, Robots etc a) Debugging b) Command c) machine d) Algorithm 13) A way to communicate, it can be spoken or written. a) Program b) run/go c) Command d) language 14) A person who writes code to tell a machine what to do. a) Command b) programmer c) Sequencing d) Algorithm 15) A section of code that are easy to reuse.  a) function b) programmer c) iteration d) Loop 16) The repeating of a process a) iteration b) language c) Debugging d) Command 17) The area where you drag and drop commands to build your program. a) Event b) Sequencing c) workspace d) Command 18) To start the program. a) workspace b) run/go c) Repeat d) Code 19) A character, item or object you interact with in a program. a) Sprite b) code c) workspace d) loop

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