Whip - to beat rapidly to incorporate air and to increase volume. , Scald - to heat a liquid such as milk to the simmering point., Grate - to rub food on a grater to make small particles., Beat - to mic ingredients thoroughly, usually in a bowl,using an over-and-over motion. , Chop - to cut food into small pieces. , Combine - to mix two or more ingredients together., Dice - to cut into small cubes., Cube - to cut into small squares., Pare - to cut very thin layer of peel from fruits or vegetables. , Stir - to mix ingredients gently in a circular motion., Fold in - to combine two mixtures by gently cutting down through the micture, across the bottom,and turning over near the surface.Spoon stays in mixture until well blended., Blend - to mix two or more ingredients together thoroughly, Blanch - to put a food in boling water for a very short time so it will peel more easily. , Cream - to beat until soft, creamy and smooth., Sift - to put a dry ingredient through a fine sieve., Shred - to tear food into long, thin pieces; to grate food coarsely on a grater. , Knead - to work dough by pressing and folding until it became smooth and elastic., Baste - to brush or pour liquid over food as it cooks., Mix - to combine two or more ingredients by beating or stirring., Mince - to cut food into the smallest possible pieces., Puree - to press food throuh a food mill or fine strainer to make it smooth and semi-liquid., Marinate - to soak in an acid-oil mixture., Grease - to rub with fat or oil., Socre - to make very thin,straight cuts in the surface of a food., Dilute - to add water to another liquid. ,
Cooking Terms Word Search - Shar'Keylia Dubard
10th Grade
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