company brand - the overall impression gathered from information that is seen, heard, and experienced by customers, brand promise - an extension of the company brand, a benefit of doing business with them, product brands - impression associated with specific merchandise that may be offered at different retailers, e.g., Starbucks K-cups, company culture - the unique way that a company's employees interact with each other and with customers; the personality of the business, reputation - the general belief or opinion that people have about a person or business, customer service - the help, information, and recommendations that company representatives give to customers, including the usability of the website and app, quality customer service - delivering a positive, memorable experience that is more than what the customer expected, customer satisfaction - the measure of how happy a customer is with a specific transaction and with their overall experience with the retailer, greet - say hello and show friendliness, the customer service process - greet, listen, understand, respond, deliver, kiosk - a small interactive computer for providing information, qr code - a specialized bar code, browse - to look casually for whatever catches your eye, rather than searching for something specific, self-checkouts - allow customers to scan, pack, and pay for their merchandise without the assistance of a store cashier, digital signage - uses technology to electronically display digital images, video, web pages, and text,
2.1 Customer Service Skills
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