bring smth up - to start to talk about a particular subject, turn up - be found, especially by chance, after being losbe found, especially by chance, after being lost, arrive, put smb down - to make someone feel silly or not important by criticizing them, put smb off doing smth - to make someone dislike something or someone, put up with - tolerate or endure something, split up with - ​to stop having a relationship with somebody, get over smb - recover from a break-up or an upsetting or startling experience, let smb down - fail to support or help someone as they had hoped or expected, take after smb - resemble a parent or ancestor, make smth up - invent a story or plan, look after smb - to take care of someone or something, put smb through a lot - to make someone experience something very difficult or unpleasant,

Solutions Upper-Intermediate 5E Phrasal Verbs


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