Abraham Lincoln - President of the Union during the Civil War, Robert E. Lee - Commander in chief of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis - President of the Confederacy, Ulysses S. Grant - Leader of the Union Army, secede - to break away from, William T. Sherman - Atlanta Campaign - March to the Sea, Harriet Beecher Stowe - Wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin", John Brown - Abolitionist that led a raid on Harpers Ferry, abolish - to do away with, abolitionist - a person that wants to do away with slavery, Battle of Fort Sumter - First battle of the Civil War, Battle of Gettysburg - Turning point and bloodiest battle, Appomattox Court House - the place where Robert E Lee surrendered to Ulysses S Grant, the northern states during the war - the Union, the southern states during the war - the Confederacy, Emancipation Proclamation - the document that freed the slaves, Reconstruction - the time period after the Civil War to rebuild the south, Black Codes - Laws created in the south after the Civil War that discriminated against African Americans , 13th amendment - abolished slavery, 14th amendment - gave former slaves citizenship, 15th amendment - African American men were given the right to vote, Freedmens' Bureau - Organization formed to help the former slaves learn to read and write, get medical care, reunite families,

Civil War Leaders

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