1) wait  a) for b) with c) to d) on 2) arrive a) at b) in c) to d) on 3) depend a) for b) of c) to d) on 4) pay a) of b) with c) on d) for 5) think a) of b) about c) in d) for 6) believe a) of b) on c) in d) to 7) spend a) of b) on c) in d) for 8) listen a) of b) on c) in d) to 9) agree a) with b) to c) on d) about 10) worry a) with b) of c) to d) about 11) ask a) with b) to c) for d) about 12) belong a) with b) to c) for d) of 13) speak a) with b) to c) in d) about 14) talk a) with b) to c) in d) about 15) write a) with b) to c) in d) about

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