I like mopping the floor, ____ I hate vacuuming the carpet. My brother likes watering the plants ____ loading the dishwasher after dinner. I relaxed yesterday, ____ now I`m hanging out the washing. I often wash the dishes ____ I like it. I`m good at ironing the clothes ____ my mum always asks me to do it. I usually put away my clothes, ____ I never make my bed in the morning. He never takes out the rubbish, ____ it smells bad. We haven`t got any carpets in our flat, ____ we don`t vacuum them. Every morning she waters the plants, ____ she has a garden in front of her house. Millie is bad at cleaning, ____ Rob always helps her and vacuums the carpet at the weekends.

Go getter 3. Unit 1. Writing but, because, so, and

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