Mercury: Closet to the sun, Smallest of all the planets, Huge meteorites crashed into the planet and left deep scars on the surface, Thinner atmosphere than Earth's., Harsh climate. Days are terribly hot and nights are terribly cold., Fastest orbit = 88 days, One spin on its axis = 59 Earth days and night, Venus: Rotates backwards, Same size as Earth - just a little smaller, Closer to Earth than any other planet., Water vapor is the only form a water, Known as Earth's twin sister, Hottest planet in the our solar system, Names after the Goddess of Love, Earth: Has what living things need to survivie, 24 hours to rotate on its axis, Goldilocks of the planets, One moon, Looks blue from space because it it 70% water, 365 days to orbit the sun, Its atmosphere and magnetic filed block deadly rays from the suns and stars, Mars: Inner planet farthest from the sun, Known as the Red Planet, Named after the Roman god of war, Rocky service with largest volcanoes, 2nd smallest planet, Has two tiny moons that revolve around it, May be a future home for humans with special equipment,
Inner Planets
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