perceptive - notices things quickly and understands people's feelings, prejudiced - has an unreasonable dislike of a thing or a group of people, apathetic - is not interested or willing to make the effort to do anything, obstinate - is determined not to change their ideas, behaviour or opinions, rebellious - deliberately disbobeys people in authority or rules of behaviour, solitary - spends a lot of time alone because they like being alone, neurotic - is unreasonably anxious or afraid, open-minded - is willing to consider or accept other people's ideas or opinions, inspirational - gives you the enthusiam to do or create something , over-ambitious - expects to achieve more than what is reasonable or likely, conscientious - hard-working and careful, insensitive - not noticing or caring about other people’s feelings or needs, mature - behaving in the sensible way that you would expect an adult to behave, inquisitive - asking a lot of questions about things, especially things that people do not want to talk about,

Personality adjectives | Speakout Advanced

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