Emotion - A word to describe the amygdala., Amnesia - Loss of memory, Hippocampus - ________ is responsible for memory., Snakes - What did Feinstein et al. (2011) expose SM to?, Bilateral - SM experienced unique _______ amygdala lesions, Fear - SM lacked what human emotion?, Brain plasticity - What is it called when one area of the brain is damaged, the other areas can obtain the responsibility of its functions?, Retrogade - Amnesia formed prior to the trauma, Anterogade - Amnesia after the trauma, Localization - Which term refers to the assertion that certain brain structures/regions are responsible for particular behaviors, cognitions and emotions?, Synaptic pruning - The process of eliminating synapses that are unused., Physiology - Neuroplasticity is when the brain’s _______ changes., Functions - Neuroplasticity compensates for lost ________ or to maximize remaining functions., Mindfulness - What did Hölzel et al. (2011) investigate?, Increased - Hölzel et al. (2011) found gray matter _______ in density with practicing mindfulness, MRI - What scans did Maguire et al. (2000) use?, Localized - Maguire et al. (2000) found brain function is _________., Non invasive - An advantage of mindfulness-based interventions is that they are _________., Environmental - The brain is a learning organ that is responsive to _______ stimuli., Neurotransmitters - How do neurons communicate?, Chemical - Neurons are _________ messengers., Reuptake - What is the process of “cleaning up” often referred to as?, Degradation - What is the process of “breaking down” referred to as?, Excitatory - Neurotransmitters that compel a neuron to activate are referred to as _______., Inhibitory - Neurotransmitters that 'turn off' a neuron or reduce its likelihood of firing are referred to as ______., Binds - An agonist mimics the neurotransmitter and _______ to the receptor site of the post-synaptic neuron., Blocking - Antagonist molecules reduce the effects of neurotransmitters by _______ receptor sites on the post-synaptic neuron., Dopamine - A neurotransmitter associated with sensation-seeking and addiction, Limbic system - Where dopamine receptors are located?,
Brain Localization & Neurotransmitters
12th Grade
Higher Education
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