setting - where and when the story takes place, conflict - the problem in the story, resolution - finding the solution to a problem, main idea - what a piece of writing is mainly about, theme - the central idea or message, or life lesson, summary - brief statement of the main events of a story, point of view - the perspective from which a story is told (1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person), first person point of view - told from the viewpoint of one of the characters using pronouns "I" and "We", third person limited point of view - the narrator doesn't know thoughts or feelings of the characters, third person omniscient point of view - told by an all-knowing narrator from outside the story who reveals what every character thinks and feels, flashback - when a portion of the story goes back in time, foreshadow - the use of clues to suggest events that will happen later in the plot, Inference/infer - to draw a reasonable conclusion from the information presented, narrator - the person who is telling the story, the speaker, rising action - the central part of a story during which various problems arise, leading up to a climax, climax - the turning point in the action of a story--the problem is solved, falling action - the part of a story which follows the climax or turning point, drawing conclusions - combining several pieces of information to make an inference, motivation - the reason the characters says or does something, convey - to make known,
5th Grade Reading STAAR Vocabulary - Fiction
5th Grade
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