quest - a long and difficult effort to find or do something, archetype - a group of secret words that are believed to have magic power, curse - magical words that are said to cause trouble or bad luck, enchanted - to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being interesting, pretty, etc., flaw - a small fault or weakness, ogre - a monster in fairy tales and popular legend, usually represented as a hideous giant who feeds on human flesh., mystical - relating to supernatural agencies, affairs, occurrences, etc.:, trolls - repulsive dwarfs who lived in caves or other hidden places., crystal - a clear, transparent mineral or glass resembling ice., heroism - courageous action:, slayer - a person who kills a creature or who destroys something:, metaphorical - something used symbolically to represent something else, suggesting a comparison or resemblance:, allegory - a story that seems to be about one thing, but is hiding a message, epic - heroic; majestic; impressively great, symbolism - an object or picture that stands for something other than itself.h, portal - a door, gate, or entrance, especially one of imposing appearance, as to a palace., dungeon - a strong, dark prison or cell, usually underground, as in a medieval castle., squire - a young man of noble birth who as an aspirant to knighthood served a knight., knight - a soldier serving under a superior in the Middle Ages., medieval - characteristic of, or in the style of the Middle Ages:,
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