They feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. - Horror, These are films in which the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast. - Action, feature arts such as Judo, Karate, Taekwondo - Martial arts, are like action films, but they take place in exotic places. films about pirates, sailing around the world and space exploration - Adventure, make you laugh - a lot! - Comedy, are love stories made to melt our hearts with stories of people falling in love. - Romance, are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments - Romantic comedy, is a type of joke documentary. the film is like a documentary, but about something that doesn't really exist - Mockumentary, is a film that investigates some real-life story that is very interesting - Documentary, are sometimes cartoons such as Disney films. They use computer graphics to make elaborate stories of adventure, comedies, and more. - Animation, films focus on someone's life story. These films are usually about very famous people - Biographical, films are set in the future and might be about other planets, or just about the future of our planet Earth. These films often feature many elements of adventure films such as chases and battles. - Science-fiction, These films are often sad stories about difficult situations in life such as fighting cancer or difficult love stories. - Drama, These are based on real events that happened in the past that are historically important. - Historical drama, These focus on solving crimes. Usually, there is a police office who must find out who committed a crime before the criminal commits other horrible crimes. - Detective story,
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