Consumer - A person who buys goods or services, Need - A condition or situation in which something is required, Want - To desire greatly; wish for, Priority - Precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency (what is most important to you?), Warranty - A written guarantee of the integrity of a product and of the maker’s responsibility to replace or repair broken parts, Brand - A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer., Retail - The sale of goods in small quantities directly to consumers., Advertisements - Messages or campaigns to persuade consumers to buy a product., Endorsements - When a famous personality promotes a product, but doesn’t necessarily use it., Refund - To give or return money for an item or service., Value - The satisfaction a consumer feels after making a purchase for goods or services relative to what she must give up to receive them., FTC - This company helps to protect consumers from false advertising and scams, Target Audience - Companies often consider age, gender, lifestyle and interests, Bandwagon - Ad Technique makes you feel like everyone has it, Snob Appeal - This Ad Technique sells the fancy lifestyle, Promotional - This Ad Technique uses sales, giveaway, prizes, Association - This Ad Technique uses Jingles/Slogans/Logos/Mascots, Brand Loyalty - When consumers are dedicated to buying a certain brand of goods., Generic - Another name for store brand items, Mascot - The Pillsbury Dough Boy and Mr Peanut are examples ,
Consumerism Review
7th Grade
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