What are you going to do after class?, Where are you going to go on your next vacation?, What are you going to do this weekend?, How are you going to improve yourself or your life in the next three years?, Where are you going to eat dinner tonight?, When are you going to retire?, What’s going to be your next big purchase? When are you going to buy it?, What show or movie are you going to watch tonight?, What are you going to use English for in the future?, What’s going to be your next big career change?, Who are you going to meet this weekend?, When are you going to get up tomorrow?, What electronic device are you going to buy next?, Are you going to play any games today? What are you going to play?, What piece of clothing are you going to buy next?, Are you going to play any games today? What are you going to play?, What piece of clothing are you going to buy next?, What housework are you going to do this week?, What are you going to cook this week?.
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