Automatism - Repeated, seemingly purposeless behaviors often indictive of anxiety, and are unconscious mannerism, Agoraphobia - Fear of being outside, Fear - Feelings afraid or threatened by a clearly identifiable external stimulus, Anxiety - Vague feeling of dread or apprehension to a response from external or internal stimuli that can have behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms , Panic Disorder - Composed of repeated, rapid intense, escalating anxiety that lasts 15-30 minutes , Panic Attack - 15-30 minutes of intense escalating anxiety, that causes great emotional fear as well as physiological discomfort , Stress - Wear and tear life causes on the body when a person is dealing with life situations, problems, and goals, Phobia - Illogical, intense, and persistent fear of specific objects or situations, Mood Disorders - Pervasive alterations in emotions that are manifested by depression, mania, or both , Catharsis - Activities that are supposed to provide release of strong feelings such as anger or rage, Defense Mechanism - Cognitive distortions that a person uses unconsciously to maintain a sense of being in control of a situation. Either to lessen discomfort, and to deal with stress. Also calls the ego defense mechanisms,
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