1) Which are the seven number symbols used in the Roman numeral system? a) I, V, X, L, C, D, M b) T, V, X, L, C, D, N c) J, V, X, L, C, D, M d) I, V, X, L, C, F, N 2) How many of the same letters can you put in a row in Roman numerals? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5 3) What is the Roman numeral for 7? a) IIV b) XII c) VII d) ICI 4) Which of the following is the Roman numeral for the number 10? a) X b) V c) L d) C 5) What is the Roman numeral for 30? a) XIII b) IIIL c) XXII d) XXX 6) What number does the Roman numeral XXIV represent? a) 45 b) 24 c) 26 d) 14 7) When do you subtract the value of a letter instead of adding it in Roman numerals? a) When a letter of lower value comes before a letter of higher value b) When two letters of the same value are used in a row c) When a letter of higher value comes before a letter of lower value d) You never subtract in Roman numerals 8) Which of the following numbers in Roman Numerals is correct? a) VX b) IIX c) XIX d) VIX 9) XXV is greater than XXIV ? a) True b) False 10) In Roman numeration, a symbol is not repeated more than three times. a) True b) False 11) Which symbol cannot be repeated for more than once ? a) I b) V c) X d) None of these
Recap of Roman Numerals
Roman Numerals
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