technology - all of the ways that humans adapt nature to meet their needs, model - a representation of a product or an idea, design process - a series of steps for developing products and precesses that solve problems, prototype - a full-sized working model that can be tested, musculoskeletal system - the system that includes the parts of the muscular system and the skeletal system, mimic - to imitate or copy objects that occur in nature, bionics - the field of medical engineering that develop systems that can replace body parts that are injured or missing, prosthesis - an artificial extension that replaces a body part, skeletal system - includes all of the bones and cartilage in a human's or animal's body, muscular system - includes the muscles that move bones and other body parts, robotics - the field of science and technology that uses robots, robots - programmable machines that preform tasks, designer - someone who takes an idea and creates a detailed plan to make it a reality, engineer - someone who designs and constructs technological solutions, constraints - limitations , criteria - requirements a design must meet, Identify the Need or Problem - What is the need or the problem? , Conduct Research - What do we need to know about the problem? , Brainstorm Solutions - What ideas do we have that can fix this problem? , Select a Solution - What is the best idea to solve this problem? , Test and Evaluate the Solution - Does our solution work? Did we achieve our goal? How can we improve our design?, Present Evidence & Communicate the Solution - Who needs to know that your product works?, schematic - shows what each part is, where it goes, and what it does, prototype - a full sized working model,
Unit 1: Engineering
5th Grade
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