ATM - Automatic Teller Machine. Allows a person to manage a bank account holder's funds through actions such as withdrawing or depositing money, viewing account balances, etc., Balance - The amount of money you have in your bank account, Bank Statement - A monthly document prepared by your financial institution which shows all of the transactions related to your account, Check - A written, dated, and signed order to the bank that tells it to pay a definite sum of money to a payee, Checkbook - A handy portfolio that holds your check register, checks, deposit slips, receipts, and other records of ATM/debit card transactions, Credit - A sum of money deposited INTO an account, Credit Card - A card that allows the holder to make purchases without cash by borrowing money, Debit - A sum of money deducted FROM your account, Debit Card - A card that is directly connected to your checking account; it enables you to conduct ATM transactions and to make purchases instead of using cash or writing a check, Deposit - Money you put into your account, Digital Wallet - An application that runs on mobile devices. It securely stores your payment information and passwords and allows you to pay for items without needing your physical cards., Direct Deposit - An automatic electronic deposit of net pay to an employee's designated bank account, Endorse - To sign the back of a check made out to you so it can be cashed or deposited, FDIC Insurance - Protection provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; protects the deposits of customers against loss up to $250,000 per account, Interest - A fee paid to you for keeping your money in an account OR a fee charged to you for a loan or credit card, Overdraft Fee - A fee charged to your account when it lacks the funds to cover a withdrawal, but the bank allows the transaction to go through anyway, PIN - Personal Identification Number needed to use an ATM card - like a password, Prepaid Card - A card that is loaded with a specific cash amount before you use it, Money Order - A certificate that allows the stated payee to receive cash on-demand, usually issued by governments and banking institutions, Maintenance Fee - A monthly fee that some banks charge to provide access to checking or savings accounts,
2.1 Checking Terms
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