A GHOST TOWN - a place where no one lives., A DEVIL'S ADVOCATE - someone who pretends to disagree with you in order to have a good discussion about something, IN COLD BLOOD - to do something in a cruel way, LIKE A BAT OUT OF HELL - something that happens quickly and suddenly, OVER MY DEAD BODY - used to say that you are determined not to allow something to happen, SKELETON IN THE CLOSET - to have secrets you don't want to tell anyone, TO DIG ONE'S OWN GRAVE - to do something that will cause serious problems for you in the future, TO MAKE ONE'S BLOOD BOIL - to make someone extremely angry, TO SCARED THE PANTS OFF SOMEONE - to make someone feel very frightened, TO STAB SOMEONE IN THE BACK - to do something that harms someone who likes and trusts you,

Halloween adults

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