אבלים - Mourners, איסור - A prohibition, something forbidden, אמה or אמות - A measurement spanning the length of a grown person's forearm, from elbow to middle finger, אסור בהנאה - Something we are not allowed to get any benefit from, ארון - The box used to carry & bury a person who passed away, אשירה - Trees that are worshipped for עבודה זרה, ביטול תורה - Wasted time that could be used to learn Torah, בין השמשות - The time between sunset and nightfall, בית דין - Jewish court, בתי מדרש - House of study, where people learn Torah, גודלין - A measurement of a thumb's width, גר or גרים - People who converted to Yiddishkeit, גריס - A measurement about the size of a bean, דוכן - Platform, used by Kohanim in shul and in the courtyard of the Beis HaMikdash, מדרבנן - From the chachomim, referring to decrees or mitzvos; subject to specific rules, חייב - Obligated, חנק - Strangulation, one of the four death penalties carried out by Beis Din, טהור/טהרה - Pure/purity, טמא/טמאה - Impure/Impurity, טפח - A measurement, the width of a clenched fist, טרייף - Not kosher to eat, כוונה - Intention, כרת - A punishment where a person's neshamah & body are "cut off" from both this world & Olam Haba, לאו שאין בו מעשה - An aveirah that has no physical action invovled (for example, hating another Jew in one's heart), לשמה - For it's own sake (ex: a mitzvah done without anticipation of reward, rather just to fulfill Hashem's command), מוהל - One who performs a bris mila, מחלל שבת - One who desecrates Shabbos, by violating one of its laws, מידה/מידות - Measure(s); character trait(s), מיל - A measurement of distance, מין - Non-believer,
Chidon Terms 1-30
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