סֵדֶר - The Hebrew word that means “order”. , סֵדֶר פֶּסַח - When on Passover, we eat, tell the story, and sing songs in the same order., מָרוֹר - Maror - Bitter herbs that remind us of the bitterness of slavery. , Four questions. - מָה נִשְׁתַּנָּה? ׳׳ - The youngest child usually asks them and adults answer them during the Seder of Passover , Cup of Elijah - כּוֹס אֵלִיָּהוּ - A cup of wine that is set on the seder table for the prophet Elijah. , Hafikomen - אֲפִיקוֹמָן - A piece of the Matzah Jews look for at the end of the Seder Pesach., Haggadah הַגָּדָה - A book read aloud at the Passover Seder - feist that contains the story of Exodus and the ritual of the Seder., מַצָּה - A large thin piece of flatbread, eaten during Passover. , Pharaoh - פַּרְעֹה - King of ancient Egypt. , The Seder Plate - Special plate containing 6 symbolic foods eaten or displayed at the Passover Seder, Parting sea - יָם - Two walls of water divided down the middle with a dry passage in the midst, Moses - מֹשֶׁה - Hebrew leader who received the ten commandments from God on Mount Sinai, and who led the Jewish out of slavery in Egypt. , Hafikomen - - אֲפִיקוֹמָן - You might get a prize for finding it , Telling the Passover story is important because - Gives us hope that God will end all the injustice in the world., Haroset חֲרֹסֶת - A mixture of chopped nuts, apples, and grape juice reminds us of clay that the Jewish slaves used to make bricks. , חָמֵץ - The Hebrew word for leaven - hametz that makes bread rise, so during Passover, we do not eat food made with Hametz. , The 4 cups of wine - Remind us that God took us out of slavery and the promise we made to God to work for freedom. , בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הַגָּפֶן - We say this blessing and drink wine , The Passover story teaches us - appreciate our freedoms, and to strive for justice and compassion for all., The Passover story reminds us that - believe that God will end all the injustice even in the face hardship , The Passover story is a story of miracles because of - The miraculous ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and the eventual liberation from slavery demonstrate divine intervention,
Passover vocabulary
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