Sonnet - A type of poem which has 14 lines and is mostly about LOVE., Shakespeare - Possibly the most famous playwright in the world., Rhyming Couplet - When two adjacent line endings rhyme - also found at the end of sonnets., Marry - By the Virgin Mary, Hyperbole - An image which is exaggerated., Iambic Pentameter - Ten syllables in a line - 5 stressed, 5 unstressed - da DUM, Blank verse - When characters speak in meter, Prose - When characters speak in a common, unadorned way., Foreshadowing - When the playwright tells the audience something will happen before it does., Fate - An Elizabethan obsession - meaning everything is predestined., Simile - A comparison where the writer uses like or as, Rhetorical Question - A question which does not require an answer., Allusion - Generally indirect references to mythology, the bible, historical events, geography, legends, or other literary works, Dramatic Irony - A situation in which the reader knows something about present or future circumstances that the character does not know, Monologue - A long, uninterrupted speech that is spoken in the presence of other characters, Soliloquy - A speech in which a character, who is usually alone on the stage, expresses his or her thoughts aloud. It is a very useful device, as it allows the writer to convey a character’s most intimate thoughts and feelings directly to the audience., Symbolism - Frequent use of words, places, characters, or objects that mean something beyond what they are on a literal level., Motif - A repeated pattern—an image, sound, word, or symbol that comes back again and again within a particular story, Aside - A remark or passage in a play that is intended to be heard by the audience but unheard by the other characters in the play., Slash / - Used to indicate the ends of lines when quoting verse (poetry),
Shakespeare Terminology to Know
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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