Process or Strategy: Algorithm, Heuristic, Insight, Confirmation bias, Fixation, Intuition, Overconfidence, Belief perseverance, Framing, Creativity, Description: Methodical rule or procedure, Simple thinking strategy, a mental shortcut, Sudden Aha! reaction, Tendency to search for support for our own views and ignore contradictory evidence, Inability to view problems from a new angle, Fast, automatic feelings and thoughts, Overestimating the accuracy of our beliefs and judgments, Ignoring evidence that contradicts our beliefs, Wording a question or statement so that it evokes a desired response, Ability to innovate valuable ideas, Powers (Pros): Guarantees solution, Lets us act quickly and efficiently, Provides instant realization of solution, Lets us quickly recognize supporting evidence, Focuses thinking, Is based on our experience huge and adaptive, Allows us to to live more happily and to make decisions easily, Supports our enduring beliefs, Can influence others' decisions, Produces new insights and products, Perils (Cons): Requires time and effort, Puts us at risk for errors (1), May not happen, Hinders recognition of contradictory evidence, Hinders creative problem solving, Can lead us to over-feel and under-think, Puts us at risk for errors (2), Closes our mind to new ideas, Can produce a misleading result, May distract from structured, routine work,
Comparing Cognitive Processes and Strategies (CH 9)
Higher Education
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