started, invented, wasn't, celebrated, celebrated - Birthdays ____ around 3,000 years before the common era, ____ by our good old friends the Egyptians. But not like we celebrate them today. Despite the clues in the name, you know, birth-day, day of birth, this ____ what the Egyptians actually ____. When you think about the origins of birthdays, they actually ____ the birth of someone as a god., became, adopted, celebrated, loved, respected - Candles ____ a tradition because of the Greeks. Super-early days the Greeks ____ those Ancient Egyptian birthdays, ____ the birth of a god, and as you may well remember from school, Greek culture really ____ and ____ their gods and goddesses., were, were, did, gave, ate - The Romans ____ among the first people to celebrate birthdays as we know them. They are probably the most correct answer to “Why do we celebrate birthdays?”. The Romans ____ the first to celebrate the birth of the common man. They ____ this with great parties where they ____ the birthday boy or girl many gifts and ____ delicious food., reinvented, were, made, called, had - German bakers ____ the birthday cake to become the delicious glory that we celebrate with today. German birthday parties ____ ____ for children in the late 18th century, ____ Kinderfeste, very similar to the birthday parties as we know and love them today. Each child ____ a cake with a candle on the top for each year of their life so far, as well as one extra for hope.,
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