TOPSOIL: This layer is located on the top, above the subsoil., It is made of humus - partially decayed insects, twigs, and leaf litter., Seeds geminate and roots grow in the black colored layer., SUBSOIL: The layer below the topsoil and above the middle layer., In this layer the soil is black because of the chemical reactions., In this layer, recycling happens because there are a lot of bacteria, fungus, and very tiny creatures., MIDDLE LAYER: It is located between the subsoil and the bedrock., It is made up mostly of sand and silt, having lost most of its minerals and clay as water drips through the soil, In this layer you find fewer animals and plants., There is little oxygen and plants do not grow well here., BEDROCK: It is the last layer and it is made out of rock, pebbles, and sand; sometimes there is also gray clay., You may also find water, but it depends on the environment., It is located below the middle layer., It has an orange and yellowish color., It is responsible for forming all the other layers and it is the layer with the least amount of living creatures., When you are digging and hit some rocks, you have reached the lowest layer.,
SYSTEMIC B4 - Geography - Soil Layers L1 GAME
4th Grade
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